50 years of impact


English 50th Anniversary badge



1974-2024: A community is born 

In April 1974, a group of concerned parents gathered for a meeting with a goal – to raise money for research into Crohn’s and colitis. At that time, research funding was practically non-existent. Awareness of the diseases was practically non-existent.  

On July 1, 1976, the Canadian Foundation for Ileitis and Colitis was born – the charity that is now Crohn’s and Colitis Canada.  

Since 1974, we have funded almost 400 grants, investing $150 million into world-leading Canadian research, including projects that offer realistic hope for a cure. In addition, we provide programs that improve quality of life and reduce the isolation of living with or caring for someone with Crohn’s or colitis – youth camps, apps, and trusted information on-line, in person and by webinar. 

We met the past challenges, achieving exceptional, inspiring moments of discovery, impact and hope. While we look back and celebrate all the progress – the needs are growing relentlessly to fund more research and programs that change lives.  

Join our growing community and make an impact.

Watch some of our founders talk about the beginnings of Crohn’s and Colitis Canada.


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50 years of discovery, impact and hope

In our first 50 years, Crohn’s and Colitis Canada has partnered with the Crohn’s and colitis community  to achieve an unmatched record of improving the lives of people affected – along with hope for future impact.


Since our first research grant in 1976, Crohn’s and Colitis Canada has invested $150 million into research, supporting almost 400 projects. Find out more:

Our research is delivering impact and hope. Here are two examples: 

Real hope for a cure 

In 2023, the Genetic, Environmental and Microbial (GEM) Project published the finding that the combination of gut bacteria in those who develop Crohn’s disease is different from those who remain healthy – years before they develop Crohn’s. This offers real hope for a cure. Read the full story.

Deep understanding of Crohn’s and colitis in Canada 

The 2023 Impact of Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Canada report offers a comprehensive snapshot of the state of care and implications for the future. First issued in 2008 and published every five years since then, these reports offer a deep understanding of the status of Crohn’s and colitis in Canada, an essential resource for anyone working in the field, studying these diseases or advocating for change. 

Research milestones and impact

Programs for those affected  

Crohn’s and Colitis Canada offers an unmatched range of national programs that make life a little easier for those affected:  

  • Camp Got2Go gives kids with Crohn’s and colitis a full, fun overnight camp experience 
  • Gutsy Peer Support offers the ability to learn, connect, share experiences and  receive or offer emotional support  
  • Free apps  
    • GoHere washroom locator lets people know of nearby washrooms – no questions asked  
    • MyGut helps track, understand and manage your Crohns or colitis journey  
  • Trustworthy information – brochures, educational events (online and in-person) and an online community 

By the numbers

41   Number of ongoing funded research projects in 2024 
393  Total number of grants funded since 1974 
$150 million  Total amount invested in research since 1974 
$22 million Investment in the Genetic, Environmental and Microbiome (GEM) Project looking into causes of Crohn’s disease since 2008
139 Students who have received a $5,000 AbbVie IBD Scholarship
3,450  GoHere locations listed on app 
46,000  GoHere app downloads 
10,600 MyGut accounts
2014 Year Camp Got2Go started 
55 Number of Gutsy Learning Series recorded sessions
92,000  Views of Gutsy Learning Series online recorded sessions
1.1 million  Visitors to our websites in 2023 
$52 million  Raised at Gutsy Walks since launched in 1996 

We celebrate the hope and impact generated by our research and programs. At the same time, they spur us to do even more.

Donate to make an impact

Timeline of our history

For a research specific timeline, visit the Research milestones and impact page
This timeline graphic is best viewed on desktop, tablet, or landscape on mobile devices.


For a research specific timeline, visit the Research milestones and impact page

More information and inspiration 


We Need to Act Today 

Researchers in a lab

Canada is seeing unprecedented increases in the number of people living with Crohn’s and colitis – especially young children. The need for prevention, better treatments, resources and a robust community that understands those affected is also growing. 


Our Stories

Kyle and Nathaniel

People living with Crohn’s or colitis demonstrate resilience and determination every day. Read a selection of stories of those who live with these diseases yet remain committed to making a difference for themselves and others. 


Photo Album

Woman having fun at Gutsy Walk

Scientific conferences, galas, Gutsy Walks, youth camps, fundraisers and so much more. Click the button below to view some of the moments when our community came together to celebrate achievements and to make a difference. 





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